I was taking an overnight train across Zimbabwe. A group of curious local women were sitting with me in the compartment and asking all about my solo trip: “Aren’t you scared?” “Isn’t it dangerous?” “You’re so brave!!!” I blushed...
African Camping- is it Safe? 9 Tips to Keep You From Being Eaten Alive

I had a crazy time camping in Africa. I was backpacking in Zambia and camping in South Luangwa. A slow, rhythmic rumble woke me up in my tiny tent in the middle of the night… You know how sometimes,...
12 Essential Things to Know About Taking Trains in Africa
You should really consider taking trains in Africa! During my big Southern Africa trip, I took trains as much as I could. Lots of countries in the region have extensive rail systems, and traveling by train is a great,...
Taking the Train from Mozambique to Zimbabwe Part 2: The Party Train
The Party Train to Bulawayo or Taking the Train from Mozambique to Zimbabwe Part 2: Sango to Bulawayo “We will arrive at 4 PM…” “No! 10 AM!” “No! 7 PM” Nobody knows. So in Part 1 of my adventure...
Taking the Train from Mozambique to Zimbabwe Part 1: The Ghost Train
The Ghost Train to the End of the Earth or Taking the train from Mozambique to Zimbabwe Part 1: Maputo to Chicualacuala [Check out Part 2 here!] “That hut is traditionally for the village’s witch doctor,” said my...
Craziest Trip Ever: How to get to Tofo from Maputo on Public Transport
How to get to Tofo from Maputo on Public Transport …and my crazy adventure during the trip Our bus’s engine shut off when the police pulled us over for the billionth time. It was the first hour and a...
Tofo, Mozambique: What I did, Where I stayed, and Why I sort of hated it
In Tofo I got slapped in the face by a jellyfish. It wasn’t one of those freaky, instant death ones. It was more like a lone spaghetti noodle floating through outer space. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t sting...
How my Original Project for my Southern Africa Trip Backfired
Travel with Purpose I always like to travel with a purpose. Even adding a little goal of experiencing a certain kind of local music or cultural detail can add so much depth to a trip. It also often leads you...
Is Backpacking in Africa Expensive? Here’s my Africa travel budget!
My Africa Travel Budget- What Traveling Independently for Over Two Months Cost Me: Wondering about how expensive it is to travel in Africa? I went on my southern Africa backpacking trip already knowing that I would be on a...
7 Things to do in Maputo, Mozambique
There are so many things to do in Maputo! I definitely wasn’t in little Swaziland anymore. It’s a bummer that Maputo has a reputation for being boring. There are plenty of things to do in Maputo! I couchsurfed there,...